Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Please click on the appropriate Safety Survey to start!

Safety Survey - SPANISH(EspaƱola)
We have committed to place "Safety above all else" at Furmanite, and want the safety of every team member to be the FIRST priority of all Furmanite team members around the world! Our past safety record has been good, but we want to further strengthen our safety culture, safety program and safety commitment to make Furmanite the safest company in our industry with a "Zero injury" goal and expectation. The purpose of this questionnaire is to help us evaluate our current total company Safety Program and Safety Culture, and identify areas where we can improve.  Your Company needs your perceptions of how we are currently doing and your suggestions regarding how we can make our Safety Culture and Program even stronger.

 You are free to either sign or not sign your response, but either way you can be certain that your honesty will be appreciated, and that nothing you say will be responded to in a negative manner!

The survey will be open until February 1, 2014.

Thank you for participating!